Battlefield Memorial

The design concept handles the narrow, longitudinal form of the location with one simple linear gesture. The memorial site is created by a wall leading from the parking area towards the wreathing space. The first section of the wall makes space to arrive and gather. Its drawn-back position can enable the wall to be used as an exhibition and/or information surface. The middle section consists of gold-plated niches that hold the existing statues, creating a series similar to stations of the cross. As we reach the third section, the wall grows higher, giving us a sense of protection and leads us into the memorial space. The wall ends forming a cross which organizes the memorial space for bigger crowds and/or giving services. The wall consists of timber pillars conserved with burning. The burnt surface symbolizes both fate and destruction opposing endurance and timelessness. After the four stations we reach a series of golden crosses holding together the black pillars, representing unity as the most important message of the Battle of Nagyharsány.

site: Nagyharsány, Hungary type: competition, 3. prize status: competition year: 2023 size: 200 m2 team: RJZS Architects